• Aquatics: Monday - Friday 5:30am - 8pm
  • Fitness: Monday - Friday 5:30am - 9pm
  • Aquatics: Weekends 7am - 7pm
  • Fitness: Weekends 7am - 7pm
  • Public Holidays 7am - 7pm
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Geraldine Pool Open Delay


We’re really sorry but we’ve had to take the unfortunate step of delaying the opening of the Geraldine Pool until Monday. We had successfully commissioned and filled the pool and had been testing it all week, but just when we thought we were good to go overnight we’ve had two mechanical failures, one of which requires a specialist replacement part to be manufactured, which is underway at the moment.

The Main Pool will open as normal on Monday Morning, the learners pool will hopefully open later in the week once we get the replacement part made. We know this is disappointing for the Geraldine community, but we’re working hard to ensure the pool is working for the rest of the season, and this winter we’ll be embarking on a major plant upgrade to reduce the chances of this happening again.

If you are keen for an outdoor swim this weekend the Temuka, Pleasant Point and the CBay 50m outdoor pools will be open.
